
My Favorite Positive Emotion: Forgiveness

- While I was researching ideas for my blog, Persephone Rising, I came across an interesting study by George Vaillant, a Harvard researcher and physician. His research melds spirituality, ethology, and neuroscience, and in this study, he... Read More

Death, Social Media, and a Butterfly Named Ray

- Last Sunday was a warm and beautiful spring day, and after a gloomy Saturday spent cleaning the house, doing chores and other work, I was ready to be out and about. As it turned out, a group of friends from my old neighborhood in Hell's... Read More

Do You Know YOUR Destination?

- A few weeks ago, while juggling errands and appointments, I boarded a crowded downtown subway and sat in the only seat available. The man sitting across from me was a young black guy who had a little wheelie cart with a portable stereo... Read More

And Now for Something Completely Different…

- For this week’s post, I had my subject selected, I had my research completed, and I was halfway through writing the piece, but yesterday for some reason, I suddenly changed my mind and decided to write about a completely different topic... Read More

Let’s Get Physical...and Mental??

- When I was deciding on the topic of the week, I realized that I’ve only written one post with a Mind/Body Connection theme, which is one of five areas (categories, in blog parlance) that I intend to explore. That one particular post —... Read More

How Dare You Speak to Me Like That!

- Last weekend, I was invited to spend a few days on Fire Island at a friend’s beach house. I haven’t been to the island in over a year, and given the crazy weather and my schedule, I haven’t left the city for an extended period of... Read More

12 Health Hacks from Persephone: from Head to Toe

- In August, I took a light approach as I considered topics for the blog and wrote a post about life hacks. It was so popular that I’ve decided to add “hacks” to my repertoire. Today, in the spirit of one of my categories, Mind/Body... Read More

How Dare You Speak to Me Like That

- This week, I had a long and intense conversation with a friend about the state of her life and how she seemed to derail every opportunity that came her way. She constantly created roadblocks to success and wanted some guidance. After our... Read More

Can You Ace This Test?

-  Last week, I wrote about the importance of finding your direction and how your destination needs clarity — something that you can visualize and describe to anyone who asks, like an “elevator” speech. You also need to hold that... Read More