
What’s Age Got to Do with It?

- It's now 4:48 pm on Friday and I still haven't decided what to post this week!   It's been a long, exhausting week and the time just slipped by. I decided to look into my back catalog of blog topics and re-post one of them, but I... Read More

The Habit Worth Keeping

- As I wrote last week, my dear friend Kitty and her husband were in a horrific car accident in December, with Kitty receiving the brunt of the injuries. It is now three months later, and although she is not fully recovered, she is back in... Read More

Exploring the Swampland Of the Soul — Shame

- For the past few weeks, I’ve been thinking about the topic of shame and its relevance to living in the 21st Century, as I thought it might be an interesting topic to explore. In my research, I came across a TED Talk on the topic of... Read More

When Loneliness Comes A-Callin'

- I consider myself an ambivert — a mélange of an intro- and extro- person. I can burn the candle at both ends or I can contentedly sit alone in a quiet candle-lit room. Recently, though, I’ve been spending more time alone than normal... Read More

Can You Ace This Test?

-  Last week, I wrote about the importance of finding your direction and how your destination needs clarity — something that you can visualize and describe to anyone who asks, like an “elevator” speech. You also need to hold that... Read More

Are You Adrift?

- I, like many people, think that the New Year (whichever one you prefer) is a great time to examine the gap between who you are in the present and who you’d like to be in the future. For some, it’s an easy exercise. There are those... Read More

2019: What If Women Did Disappear?

- Hello Friends!  Like Persephone, the eponymous heroine of this very blog, I too have taken a four-month winter hiatus (although not as the queen of the underworld, though that might be interesting). Due to foot surgery, an office move,... Read More

Meet My Friend — FEAR

- I used to live in San Francisco, and while there, I made a very nice life for myself. But after 13 years, I began to feel a pull, an urge, a desire to move across the country to New York City. Several of my friends had relocated there, and... Read More

A Fish Tale: Are You Limiting Yourself?

- A young guy hears about this great fishing stream and being an avid fisherman, he decides to check it out for himself. He goes to the stream, he throws in his line and he waits for a bite. Meanwhile, he happens to notice an elderly... Read More