
40 Quotes to Inspire Achievement, Balance & Contentment

- Hi, Readers, Welcome to my new blog, Persephone Rising: Simple Tips to Reinvent Your Life and Escape "Hell" For Good! I thought the Ides of March would be a propitious time to stealth launch my blog, while I work out some of the kinks. I... Read More

Pay Attention to Your Thoughts

- A few weeks ago, I was hanging out with an old friend on one of those crazy spring-like days in February, enjoying a brief respite from snow and cold. We spent the day strolling through the West Village, window shopping, people watching... Read More

My Favorite Positive Emotion: Forgiveness

- While I was researching ideas for my blog, Persephone Rising, I came across an interesting study by George Vaillant, a Harvard researcher and physician. His research melds spirituality, ethology, and neuroscience, and in this study, he... Read More

Tapping into the Power of a Mastermind Group

- In the 12-week DreamBuilder course that I teach, one of the lessons centers on the power of a Mastermind group, which my mentor, Mary Morrissey, likes to call Partners-in-Believing. Whichever name you prefer, this group can have... Read More

Death, Social Media, and a Butterfly Named Ray

- Last Sunday was a warm and beautiful spring day, and after a gloomy Saturday spent cleaning the house, doing chores and other work, I was ready to be out and about. As it turned out, a group of friends from my old neighborhood in Hell's... Read More

Do You Know YOUR Destination?

- A few weeks ago, while juggling errands and appointments, I boarded a crowded downtown subway and sat in the only seat available. The man sitting across from me was a young black guy who had a little wheelie cart with a portable stereo... Read More

Is Facebook Making You Depressed?

- I live in New York City, and as many New Yorkers will attest, trying to make plans with more than one friend at a time can be a major undertaking. Coordinating calendars and setting firm dates can lead to lunches and dinners scheduled... Read More

And Now for Something Completely Different…

- For this week’s post, I had my subject selected, I had my research completed, and I was halfway through writing the piece, but yesterday for some reason, I suddenly changed my mind and decided to write about a completely different topic... Read More