
Can You Ace This Test?

-  Last week, I wrote about the importance of finding your direction and how your destination needs clarity — something that you can visualize and describe to anyone who asks, like an “elevator” speech. You also need to hold that... Read More

Pay Attention to Your Thoughts

- This week, I’m bringing you a slight respite from a long topical thought-piece. My intention was to write a post about memory, moods, and the interconnectivity of the two. But this week just got away from me. I’ve been swamped with one... Read More

Where's Your Voice?

- This week, my intention was to write a post about memory, moods, and the interconnectivity of the two. After reading a couple of articles on the subject, I was intrigued and wanted to know more about it. And, honestly, my memory could use... Read More

Mood & Memory: What's the Connection?

- When I was a junior in college, I spent a semester studying at the Filozofski Fakultet in Zagreb, Yugoslavia. At the time, it was still a communist country but in a scant number of years, civil war would bring the country, as it was known,... Read More

It's All in the Giving...

- This past Tuesday was #GivingTuesday, a day where the spotlight is focused on giving to charity. The day was the brainchild of the Belfer Center for Innovation & Social Impact in NYC and has become a global day of giving fueled by the... Read More

13 Holiday Hacks from Persephone

- Today, in the spirit of the holiday season, I thought it was time for more fun and “why didn’t I think of that” life hacks. Life hacks can be anything from the technical to the way you prepare a dish to our subject for the day. This... Read More

What if Women Did Disappear?

- Last week, I promised you an inspirational post that I thought would be holiday-based. But while I was researching articles and essays from some of my favorite writers, I came across an op-ed piece that was originally published on the... Read More

Cheers to Celebrating Our Differences!

- Five years ago, Kitty, one of my closest friends, and I spent Christmas and New Year’s in Asia, specifically, Vietnam and Thailand. During the first two weeks, we toured Vietnam from north to south traveling on the reunification train... Read More

The Year in Review: An Advocate's Take

- For many of us, the first week of January is spent ruminating on the experiences of the past year, fretting over unrealized resolutions and broken promises to ourselves, and then intently focusing on a whole bunch of new resolutions that... Read More

Might As Well Face It, You're Addicted to Tech!

- ***if you'd like to leave a comment, you'll need to sign into your Facebook account first. Otherwise, just send the comments to me directly at lifecoach@christophershuff.com and I'll post it for you. Thanks! I live in New York City, and... Read More