
What I Wish I Knew at 18

- ***if you'd like to leave a comment, you'll need to sign into your Facebook account first. Otherwise, just send the comments to me directly at lifecoach@christophershuff.com and I'll post it for you. Thanks! This week marks my one year... Read More

You Should Be Laughing - Redux

- For the past few weeks, I’ve been going through some major life shifts. Starting with the positive — I'm in the midst of an exciting apartment move and I scored another cool part-time job (I'm really working this newfangled gig... Read More

Reflecting on Remembrances

-   How can the dead be truly dead when they still live in the souls of those who are left behind?~ Carson McCullers This past April, I embarked on a series of changes that now, in September, are falling into place. I’m settled into a new... Read More

How Dare You Speak to Me Like That

- This week, I had a long and intense conversation with a friend about the state of her life and how she seemed to derail every opportunity that came her way. She constantly created roadblocks to success and wanted some guidance. After our... Read More

Meet My Friend — FEAR

- I used to live in San Francisco, and while there, I made a very nice life for myself. But after 13 years, I began to feel a pull, an urge, a desire to move across the country to New York City. Several of my friends had relocated there, and... Read More

Exploring the Swampland Of the Soul — Shame

- For the past few weeks, I’ve been thinking about the topic of shame and its relevance to living in the 21st Century, as I thought it might be an interesting topic to explore. In my research, I came across a TED Talk on the topic of... Read More

What’s Age Got to Do with It?

- It's now 4:48 pm on Friday and I still haven't decided what to post this week!   It's been a long, exhausting week and the time just slipped by. I decided to look into my back catalog of blog topics and re-post one of them, but I... Read More

On a Journey Through Grief

- I was heartsick to hear that my Uncle Allan died last week. Allan was my father’s younger brother, and beyond being my mother’s brother-in-law, he was also a close high school friend of hers. My parents each had one brother. My parents... Read More

Paying Attention to Your Thoughts

- This week, I’m bringing you a slight respite from a long topical thought-piece. My intention was to write a post about understanding the difference between living a life of "shoulds" and living a life of "musts." As I was looking through... Read More

Things I Wish I Knew at 18

- This week marks my two and a half year anniversary — a very non-consecutive week run, I should add, but impressive nonetheless. It’s been quite a fantastic journey. Two and a half years ago, this was just a wish, a dream of creating... Read More