
It's All in the Giving...

- This past Tuesday was #GivingTuesday, a day where the spotlight is focused on giving to charity. The day was the brainchild of the Belfer Center for Innovation & Social Impact in NYC and has become a global day of giving fueled by the... Read More

The Year in Review: An Advocate's Take

- For many of us, the first week of January is spent ruminating on the experiences of the past year, fretting over unrealized resolutions and broken promises to ourselves, and then intently focusing on a whole bunch of new resolutions that... Read More

A Fish Tale: Are You Limiting Yourself?

- A young guy hears about this great fishing stream and being an avid fisherman, he decides to check it out for himself. He goes to the stream, he throws in his line and he waits for a bite. Meanwhile, he happens to notice an elderly... Read More

Revisiting Some Fundamental Truths

- Today is the last day in May, a month that, for me at least, is full of life markers. It’s the beginning of my favorite time of year — late spring and summer; the Kentucky Derby runs the first Saturday of May — my annual Derby Party... Read More

Paying Attention to Your Thoughts

- This week, I’m bringing you a slight respite from a long topical thought-piece. My intention was to write a post about understanding the difference between living a life of "shoulds" and living a life of "musts." As I was looking through... Read More