
How Dare You Speak to Me Like That!

- Last weekend, I was invited to spend a few days on Fire Island at a friend’s beach house. I haven’t been to the island in over a year, and given the crazy weather and my schedule, I haven’t left the city for an extended period of... Read More

To Be or Not To Be? That Is Not the Question...

- We have become a society that is so focused on getting the job done that we sometimes forget that the journey, and who we are as we travel on that journey, is as important as completing the task at hand. Here's the deal: we don't get a... Read More

How Dare You Speak to Me Like That

- This week, I had a long and intense conversation with a friend about the state of her life and how she seemed to derail every opportunity that came her way. She constantly created roadblocks to success and wanted some guidance. After our... Read More