
My Favorite Positive Emotion: Forgiveness

- While I was researching ideas for my blog, Persephone Rising, I came across an interesting study by George Vaillant, a Harvard researcher and physician. His research melds spirituality, ethology, and neuroscience, and in this study, he... Read More

Death, Social Media, and a Butterfly Named Ray

- Last Sunday was a warm and beautiful spring day, and after a gloomy Saturday spent cleaning the house, doing chores and other work, I was ready to be out and about. As it turned out, a group of friends from my old neighborhood in Hell's... Read More

Is Facebook Making You Depressed?

- I live in New York City, and as many New Yorkers will attest, trying to make plans with more than one friend at a time can be a major undertaking. Coordinating calendars and setting firm dates can lead to lunches and dinners scheduled... Read More

And Now for Something Completely Different…

- For this week’s post, I had my subject selected, I had my research completed, and I was halfway through writing the piece, but yesterday for some reason, I suddenly changed my mind and decided to write about a completely different topic... Read More

To Be or Not To Be? That Is Not the Question...

- We have become a society that is so focused on getting the job done that we sometimes forget that the journey, and who we are as we travel on that journey, is as important as completing the task at hand. Here's the deal: we don't get a... Read More

What’s Age Got to Do with It?

- From time to time, my intention is to introduce my readers to some of my favorite inspirational philosophers, theorists, and deep thinkers, and today I’d like to introduce you to Marianne Williamson. A number of months ago, my dear... Read More

Only the Lonely

- I consider myself an ambivert — a mélange of an intro- and extro- person. I can burn the candle at both ends or I can contentedly sit alone in a quiet candle-lit room. Recently, though, I’ve been spending more time alone than normal... Read More

My Favorite Positive Emotion: Forgiveness (Redux)

- Although I've been on a writing hiatus for the past two weeks, I decided that I would offer up a reprint of one of my earlier posts today. My mother (yes, of cookbook fame — Cooking for Joan) passed away 16 years ago this week — always... Read More

Gratitude is an Attitude

- This week marks the 16th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks on the U.S. From the tributes, the on-site reading of names of those who lost their lives on that day (and those who died years later from working at the site), the moments of... Read More