
My Favorite Positive Emotion: Forgiveness

- While I was researching ideas for my blog, Persephone Rising, I came across an interesting study by George Vaillant, a Harvard researcher and physician. His research melds spirituality, ethology, and neuroscience, and in this study, he... Read More

A New Epidemic in the U.S.?

- Are you suffering from exhaustion (even after a good night’s rest)?Do you have a difficult time handling stress?Are you craving salt, sugar, and/or fat?Do you find the cold unbearable?Do you have a reduced sex drive?Are you experiencing... Read More

My Favorite Positive Emotion: Forgiveness (Redux)

- Although I've been on a writing hiatus for the past two weeks, I decided that I would offer up a reprint of one of my earlier posts today. My mother (yes, of cookbook fame — Cooking for Joan) passed away 16 years ago this week — always... Read More

A Fish Tale: Are You Limiting Yourself?

- A young guy hears about this great fishing stream and being an avid fisherman, he decides to check it out for himself. He goes to the stream, he throws in his line and he waits for a bite. Meanwhile, he happens to notice an elderly... Read More

The Year in Review: An Advocate's Take

- For many of us, the first week of January is spent ruminating on the experiences of the past year, fretting over unrealized resolutions and broken promises to ourselves, and then intently focusing on a whole bunch of new resolutions that... Read More

A Fish Tale: Are You Limiting Yourself?

- A young guy hears about this great fishing stream and being an avid fisherman, he decides to check it out for himself. He goes to the stream, he throws in his line and he waits for a bite. Meanwhile, he happens to notice an elderly... Read More

Exploring the Swampland Of the Soul — Shame

- For the past few weeks, I’ve been thinking about the topic of shame and its relevance to living in the 21st Century, as I thought it might be an interesting topic to explore. In my research, I came across a TED Talk on the topic of... Read More

My Favorite Positive Emotion: Forgiveness

- I bring you Post # 3, originally published on March 29, 2017. While I was researching ideas for my blog, Persephone Rising, I came across an interesting study by George Vaillant, a Harvard researcher and physician. His research melds... Read More