
My Favorite Positive Emotion: Forgiveness (Redux)

- Although I've been on a writing hiatus for the past two weeks, I decided that I would offer up a reprint of one of my earlier posts today. My mother (yes, of cookbook fame — Cooking for Joan) passed away 16 years ago this week — always... Read More

Gratitude is an Attitude

- This week marks the 16th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks on the U.S. From the tributes, the on-site reading of names of those who lost their lives on that day (and those who died years later from working at the site), the moments of... Read More

A Fish Tale: Are You Limiting Yourself?

- A young guy hears about this great fishing stream and being an avid fisherman, he decides to check it out for himself. He goes to the stream, he throws in his line and he waits for a bite. Meanwhile, he happens to notice an elderly... Read More

12 Health Hacks from Persephone: from Head to Toe

- In August, I took a light approach as I considered topics for the blog and wrote a post about life hacks. It was so popular that I’ve decided to add “hacks” to my repertoire. Today, in the spirit of one of my categories, Mind/Body... Read More

Meet My Friend — FEAR

- I lived in San Francisco, and while there, I made a very nice life for myself. But after 13 years, I began to feel a pull, an urge, a desire to move across the country to New York City. Several of my friends had recently moved there, and... Read More

When You're Adrift, Mary Knows Best

- Each month, my intention is to introduce you to some of my favorite inspirational philosophers, theorists, and deep thinkers. So far, you’ve read essays by Marianne Williamson, Garrison Keillor, and Anna Quindlen. Today, I’d like to... Read More

Can You Ace This Test?

-  Last week, I wrote about the importance of finding your direction and how your destination needs clarity — something that you can visualize and describe to anyone who asks, like an “elevator” speech. You also need to hold that... Read More

Pay Attention to Your Thoughts

- This week, I’m bringing you a slight respite from a long topical thought-piece. My intention was to write a post about memory, moods, and the interconnectivity of the two. But this week just got away from me. I’ve been swamped with one... Read More

Where's Your Voice?

- This week, my intention was to write a post about memory, moods, and the interconnectivity of the two. After reading a couple of articles on the subject, I was intrigued and wanted to know more about it. And, honestly, my memory could use... Read More